Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Friends came and went...

Well this weekend was fun and fast. We had our friends fly in from Richmond,BC on Saturday night to come to the Lions and Roughrider game in Regina. Brad, Christopher, Michelle and Edwin were at the game and Heather and I stayed behind as we wanted some girl time. They all were convinced that BC had the game before they even left, but good old Sk, pulled through in the end and won the game. (hehe) Let' s just say Brad was not a happy camper. He told me "he could of cried". Poor guy, he will be over it in about a week! Christopher and Michelle had to leave early Monday morning so it was a pretty short trip for them, but it was great to see them. After the game all 6 of us went to Hopkins for wings and potato skins. It was good but we all felt a little bloated as we left.. we were all so hungry and ate a little to much!

Yesterday and today were my days off. I have had this huge canker sore for the last week and it is draining me of all my energy. I hate canker sores with a passion, they last forever and i can barely talk. In the last year i have had them on and off, i am not quite sure what's causing them? People seem to have all different ideas on what causes them.

Anyways Brad and i painted our garage yesterday. Our neighbour Glen came out as we were painting and informed us that our garage had not been painted in over 10 years. He is a funny man, him and his wife take in(literally ) all the cats around the neighbourhood. There is always a cat in site around our block. I'll post some pictures of the last few days.


Anonymous said...

Take Lysine. That really helps with cold and canker sores. You can get it at a grocery or drugstore in the health area. I have one on the tip of my tongue that is just starting up. NOT FUN.

Anonymous said...

I get canker sores too and find they are related to stress. THEY SUCK!!